James Falla

James Falla Debt Expert

James Falla is a debt management expert with over 20 years experience of delivering debt solutions. He is an FCA Approved Person.

James is Managing Director of Wilmott Turner Financial Services. Wilmott Turner is fully authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Want advice about resolving your debt problem from James? Call (0800 088 7376) or complete the form below

Writing and Blog

James Falla is the author of the debt management articles found on this site. His latest articles are all available for free on Facebook or Twitter.

He is also the author of the well received book about personal debt solutions: IVA, Bankruptcy and Other Debt Solutions.

Client testimonials and Feedback

James has helped many hundreds of people use either a Debt Management Plan, IVA or Bankruptcy to get their lives back on track.

To read what clients who have already used his services have to say please have a look at our Client Testimonials.

Personal Message from James

“I have been helping people solve debt problems for a long time and I know that for most making the first step can be very scary.

Knowing that you have someone on your side who can help, advise and just be there when you need to ask a question makes all the difference. This is the service we are proud to provide at Wilmott Turner”

James Falla Experience

James started working with people in debt in 1999 when he joined personal debt solutions provider Brookvale Group. In 2004 he co founded Thomas Charles a debt management company specialising in bankruptcy and IVAs.

While at Thomas Charles, James was often called upon to offer his experience of resolving debt problems on television and radio programmes such as the BBC 1 o’clock news, Sky News and BBC Radio’s Wake Up to Money.

In November 2010 James joined Wilmott Turner Financial Services as managing director. He provides senior debt advice for the company.

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