Finding trusted sources for personal debt advice is not always easy. In addition to the information and support that is available on any of Wilmott Turner’s web sites, you may also find the following debt help resources of use:
The Government’s Insolvency Service has produced a useful guide to personal debt solutions which you might find useful: “Options for paying off your debts“.
The Money and Pensions Service are an independent service set up by the Government to provide people with free advice about all aspects of personal finances. For further information, please follow this link: Help if you are struggling with debt.
It is also recommended that you read this one page document produced by the Money & Pensions Service entitled “Dealing with debt – 5 things you should know”.
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) provide free advice and help in relation to debt, benefits, housing, legal, discrimination, employment, immigration, consumer and other problems. You can check how to get advice from the CAB by clicking on this link: Advice from the CAB.
National Debtline is a free national telephone helpline for people with debt problems in England, Wales and Scotland. They are operated by the Money Advice Trust, a charity formed in 1991. They can be contacted on their helpline: 0808 808 4000 or via their website: National Debtline
Step Change is a registered charity whose purpose is to assist people in financial difficulty. Step Change are one of the organisations who can help implement Debt Relief Orders. They can be contacted by telephone: 0800 138 1111 or via their website: Step Change
We recommend the following websites if you are specifically interested in information about a Debt Management Plan:
We recommend the following websites if you are specifically interested in information about an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement):
We recommend the following websites if you are specifically interested in information from us on Bankruptcy or a Debt Relief Order:
We recommend the following websites if you are specifically interested in debt solutions for Scotland:
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